Saturday, May 17, 2014

North Dakota and Montana

We have arrived at Havre (pronounced Haver) Montana. Tonight (05/17/2014) we are at Evergreen Campground. Last Night (05/16/2014) we were at Ft. Peck Dam and Reservoir, Montana.
This was the sunset at Downstream Campground at Garrison Dam near Riverdale, North Dakota.

Wind Turbines in North Dakota

Bird at Ft Peck Dam and Reservoir at Ft Peck, Montana

This was suppose to be a picture of a beaver swimming but he went under just as I took the picture, as you can see he was faster than me.

Power stations at Ft Peck dam.  The one on the right was built in the 1940's and the other in the 1950's.

Ft Peck Reservoir 

A walking area at the reservoir and campground

White pelicans in the lake at Ft Peck

An exhibit in the interpretive center.

Sunset at Downstream Campground at Ft Peck, Montana

The Bear Paw Mountains in the distance as we were driving through Montana today.

When we left North Dakota we drove through the new oil and gas fields of Northwest North Dakota.  This area has really boomed in the last few year, a lot of activity. Amazing to see the new housing, RV camper, apartments that have gone up to house the workers in these fields.  The farm land is still beautiful, and the fields are huge and so is the machinery being used to work these fields. We have gone through some amazing country so far, and the heart of this great country will always be the farmland and American Farmers.  It still continues to be very cold, sometime just down right cold at night, but sunny and beautiful during the days.  We have driven for two days on Hwy 2 in northern Montana, an amazing drive.
This is the four of us enjoying the nice evening at Evergreen Campground, Havre, Montana.  The campground attendant took the picture and emailed it to us.

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