Thursday, May 29, 2014

Calgary, Alberta

We traveled from St Mary's, Montana to Calgary, Alberta.  We stayed in a campground that is very close to the sight of the 1988 Winter Olympics.  This area is really booming, the growth of new housing developments is all around Calgary.  Much too busy for us.  We went to the Canadian Military Museum and it was very interesting and informative.
The hillside out from our campground with a lot of new housing developments.

This is the site of the 1988 Winter Olympics, it is not the Olympic Sports park.

Noticed this Alford on the list of Canadians who died in the Korean War.

A wonderful reminder of and how we are to treat and thank those who have served their country.  It seems that our American government has forgotten how to treat those who have given so much for our country.

Some pictures of Calgary.  We tried to stay away from downtown but the GPS  took us right down there.

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