Friday, May 30, 2014

Banff National Park, Alberta

After we left Jasper National Park we traveled down the Icefield Park to Banff National Park.  We spent two nights there.  We did not do a lot here as there was not much to do and and see. on the trip down we saw a brown bear, three big horn sheep, a raven & a little bird begging for food.  We stopped at a lake that still had snow and ice on it. Here are a few pictures from this area.
Another brown bear on our way. A beautiful creature if you don't get to close.

This raven flew to this sign and just sat there taking us in.

Bighorn Sheep

They are really stoic and beautiful.  We saw two butt heads one day.

Duck on the lake with ice and snow.

This little bird was hopping around trying to get someone to give it some food.

Linda's boot prints in the snow.

My boot print on the left and Linda's on the right.

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