Friday, May 30, 2014

Some additional pictures

I forgot to post these few pictures.
These elk were grazing in the campground at Banff.

This little guy was right by our site and it entertained us for a while.  It has a high pitch bark like a prairie dog. 

Part of the campground. 

Part of the trail that Linda did around the campground.

Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada

I forgot to tell you all on my last post that while at Banff, Linda and I walked the trail around the campground which is 6.5 km (I believe that is 4 miles).  Needless to say we both were a little tired and sore the next day, but we have recovered nicely.  Any way we stayed two night in Revelstoke National Park in British Columbia and again saw some beautiful mountainous country. It rained a light rain both night, but was still very nice.  Along the way from Banff to Revelstoke we saw two different accidents involving semi trucks, a mud slide that happened a few day earlier and was mostly cleaned up. We visited the Giant Cedars Boardwalk, Skunk Cabbage Boardwalk, the Revelstoke Dam on the Columbia River and the Meadows in the Sky parkway(could not go the whole way up because of snow.  Great time.
A neat sight of the road ahead. 

Pictures from the Giant Cedars Boardwalk.

Devil's Club plant

Lindas between the cedars. 
Linda was trying to smell the cedar and it had that great cedar smell

The boardwalk around the giant cedars.

Another view of Devil's Club.

Skunk Cabbage Boardwalk
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Skunk cabbage has a pungent smell

Boardwalk, it was a light rain the whole time we were there.

Pictures from our visit to Revelstoke Dam

This is a power producing dam with five turbines.

Unbelievable amount of logs

View of Revelstoke from the Meadow in the Sky parkway.