Thursday, June 12, 2014

Yosemite National Park

The sequence of the pictures and text got messed up.  The following pictures are of Yosemite National Park. On further down is the text of what we did around the park.

Upper Yosemite Falls

Lower Yosemite Falls

Sign says it all, you have to get your gas outside the park.
This is what it was costing when we needed gas.
Getting our feet wet in the Merced River.

After we left Atwater we traveled on to Indian Flat RV Park at El Portal, California which is just outside of Yosemite National Park. It was a long day and the drive up the mountain to the park was more than I remembered.  We arrived at the park, the site was narrow, up a incline on gravel.  Made for interesting parking of the camper but we made it okay after a couple of false starts. Linda was a great help in guiding me into the site.  The next day we went into Yosemite NP and enjoyed the scenery.  Again a lot of the park we did not remember. Later that evening we went down to the Merced River and got our feet wet, the water was cold but felt good after the temps reach over 100 degrees that day.
Narrow camp sites.

Can't really tell the incline in this picture but it is there.

Might be the gateway, it is also the only place to stay that close to Yosemite.

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