Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Kamloops, Hope, Washington

After we left Revelstoke, BC we traveled to Kamloops and Hope BC and then to Washington state. We had a good time in Canada, saw some beautiful country.  Our favorite place was Jasper National Park and the Icefields Parkway between Jasper and Lake Louise.  Here are a few pictures of our this part of our trip.  Looks like the pictures got out of order but here goes.

As we drove from Revelstoke to Kamloops most of the trip was along the Big & Little Shuswap Lake.

We also drove along the South Thompson River.  We had beautiful views of the lake, rivers, railroad tracks that ran along with us, above us and below us. 

We arrive in Washington state, so we wanted to go to Mt Rainier National Park, but our GPS got us on the wrong track and we ended up on a logging road.  Not a good ride at all.

This ended up being the best view of Mt Rainier, just a spectacular view.

Logging Road

Campfire at campground in Washington.

Trees at the campground in Washington. 

This is our map on the camper, I will have to send an update later.

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